About the Dances
These simple, beautiful body-prayers are open to all; each dance is taught afresh. They honour the diverse spiritual traditions from all over the world, and can take us to a place of profound inner harmony. We sing sacred mantras and make simple movements in a circle. They are a moving meditation which can help us to access deeper spiritual aspects of being than our busy analytical minds allow.
I trained as a DUP leader with Philip O'Donohoe from 2007 to 2009 and have continued leading in Stroud and beyond, both in solo sessions and shared with various other leaders.
Have a look at the UK website http://dancesofuniversalpeace.org.uk
and the international site http://dancesofuniversalpeace.org
for more information about these transcendent Dances.
Please click here to subscribe to my email list for Dances of Universal Peace.
Local peace dance events
contact Matthew for more information about their events in Stroud, Bristol, Gloucester and Newnham-on-Severn.
Sesshin - alternating dances with silent sitting meditation
In a sesshin, each dance is followed by a period of unguided sitting meditation; apart from the explanation of the dance and the singing, the whole day, including lunch, is held in silence. Many people find that this format of alternating dance and silence is a wonderfully nourishing way of deepening our connection with the dances, and can lead to an enhanced sense of inner harmony, beauty and unity.